I am an assistant professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. My field is empirical industrial organization; see my research statement for a description of my research agenda.


PUBLISHED and Forthcoming PaperS:

Regulatory Competition and the Market for Corporate Law, with Ofer Eldar - AEJ:Microeconomics Vol. 12, No. 2, May 2020 (pp. 60-98) - Featured on the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation.

A Comparison of Testing and Estimation of Firm Conduct, with Christopher Sullivan - Economics Letters Vol. 212, March 2022 (pp. 110316) - preprint.

Differentiated-Products Cournot Attributes Higher Markups Than Bertrand-Nash, with Daniel Quint, Christopher Sullivan and Sarah Waldfogel - Economics Letters Vol. 219, October 2022 (pp. 110804) - preprint.

Estimation of Discrete Games with Weak Assumptions on Information, with Camilla Roncoroni - Review of Economic Studies Vol. 90, Issue 4, July 2023, (pp. 2006–2041), Featured ArticleYoung Economists' Essay Award at EARIE 2016, Young Economist Prize at XXXI Jornadas de Economía Industrial - preprint

The Rise of Urgent Care Centers: Implications for Competition and Access to Health Care, with Corina Mommaerts, Natalia Serna, and Christopher Sullivan - Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics Vol. 2, Issue 2, May 2024 (pp. 201—243) - preprint.

Testing Firm Conduct, with Marco Duarte, Mikkel Sølvsten, and Christopher Sullivan - Quantitative Economics Vol. 15, Issue 3, July 2024 (pp. 571—606) - preprint.

Triplet Embeddings for Demand Estimation, with Jonathon McClure and Alan Sorensen - AEJ:Microeconomics Vol 17, No. 1, February 2025 (pp. 282-307) - Extended Abstract in EC 22: “Embeddings and Distance-based Demand for Differentiated Products” - preprint.

The Competitive Conduct of Consumer Cooperatives, with Marco Duarte and Camilla Roncoroni - Forthcoming at RAND Journal of Economics - YouTube video of CEPR VIOS talk.

Working Papers:

Estimation of Games under No Regret: Structural Econometrics for AI, with Niccolò Lomys (submitted). SSRN, NET Institute Working Paper #24-05.

Multi-homing Policies and Collusion: Unintended Consequences for Digital Platforms, with John Higgins, Daniel Quint, and Christopher Sullivan (submitted).

Learning Firm Conduct: Pass-Through as a Foundation for Instrument Relevance, with Adam Dearing, Daniel Quint, Christopher Sullivan, and Sarah Waldfogel. NBER working paper #32863 (Aug. 2024). This paper supersedes Falsifying Models of Firm Conduct, with Daniel Quint, Christopher Sullivan, and Sarah Waldfogel.

Conduct and Scale Economies: Evaluating Tariffs in the US Automobile Market, with Marco Duarte, Mikkel Sølvsten, Daniel Quint, and Christopher Sullivan

An Equilibrium Model of Rollover Lotteries, with Giovanni Compiani and Lones Smith (submitted).

Testing Information Ordering for Strategic Agents, with Sukjin Han and Hiroaki Kaido.

Political Connections and Market Structure, with Camilla Roncoroni - Public Utility Research Prize for the Best Paper in Regulatory Economics at IIOC 2017.

SOME Work in Progress:

Enhancing the Merger Simulation Toolkit with ML/AI, with Harold Chiang, Jack Collison, and Christopher Sullivan - slides.

Instrument Choice in Merger Simulations, with Adam Dearing, Kai Gao, and Christopher Sullivan.

Robust Identification in Repeated Games: An Empirical Approach to Algorithmic Competition, with Antonio Cozzolino, Cristina Gualdani, and Niccolò Lomys - slides.

software packages:

pyRVtest: A Python package for testing firm conduct, with Marco Duarte, Mikkel Sølvsten, Christopher Sullivan, and Anya Tarascina.


  • ECON 301: Intermediate Microeconomics (Fall 2016, 2019-2022, 2024; Spring 2018)

  • ECON 690/725/899: Machine Learning for Economists - M.A. Level (Fall 2018-2022, 2024)

  • ECON 762/761: Empirical Industrial Organization - Ph.D. Level (Fall 2016, 2019-2022, 2024; Spring 2018, 2019)



E-mail: magnolfi@wisc.edu

Office: Room 6426, 1180 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1393
